Postdoc and advanced research careers in Germany

Newsletter July 2024
Completing your doctorate is a big step – but what comes afterwards? The postdoc phase offers a great range of career options and employment types. No matter which one you choose: German research institutions and companies offer young international researchers excellent opportunities to sharpen their profile and enter the next step in their careers.  
In this issue of our newsletter, we have brought together important tips and resources for postdocs as well as those already more advanced in their careers. From paths to a professorship in Germany to dual career services and recent changes to the German Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act (WissZeitVG) – we hope you enjoy the read! 
PS The next newsletter will be published in September. All current calls with early autumn deadlines are included in this issue. 
The postdoc phase is still far away … but you are planning a PhD in Germany and don’t know where to start? Research in Germany is launching a new tool: the “PhD Pathfinder” helps you choose the right PhD path and bundles important information – from application tips to funding programmes – in a personalised checklist. To make sure that the tool is truly helpful to users, we are looking for prospective PhD candidates to help with our usability testing this July. Interested? Find more information in the “Your turn!” section at the bottom of this newsletter and win an individual one-on-one counselling session!
Current calls
Apply by: 30 September 2024 
Postdoc: all disciplines
TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship
Go to Technical University of Munich
Apply by: 1 October 2024 
Postdoc & Advanced research: all disciplines
Postdoctoral scholarship program 2025
Go to Daimler and Benz Foundation
Apply by: 1 October 2024 
Advanced research: all disciplines
Tenure Track Professorship program by the Wübben Stiftung Wissenschaft
Go to Wübben Stiftung Wissenschaft
Apply by: 1 October 2024 
PhD: all disciplines
Doctoral scholarships from the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
Go to Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
Apply by: 23 October 2024 
Postdoc: natural sciences, mathematics, IT
German Scholars Organization – Klaus Tschira Boost Fund
Go to German Scholars Organization
Apply by: 31 October 2024 
PhD: all disciplines except for human medicine and dentistry
Scholarships for doctoral students from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
Go to Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
Apply by: any time 
Advanced research: all disciplines
Heisenberg Programme
Go to German Research Foundation (DFG)
Apply by: any time 
Postdoc & Advanced research: all disciplines
Humboldt Research Fellowship
Go to Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
A spotlight on: postdoc and advanced research in Germany
If you’re aiming for a professorship in Germany, here’s your guide 
After completing your doctorate, you may wish to continue working in academia with the goal of one day becoming a professor in Germany. The path to a professorship here can differ a lot from the one in your home country. This is where this guide comes to your help: not only does it give you information about basics such as the different professorial titles – e.g. junior professorship and full professorship – and types of German higher education institutions, there is also an overview of a professor’s tasks, salary scales and options for research funding.  
Additionally, the website offers tips and insights into what is important to know to successfully navigate the path to a professorial post – from the requirements for the different types of professorships to the application process and a positive self-presentation in assessment lectures. And the icing on the cake: many current job advertisements! If you want to know more, this helpful website has all the answers.
A closer look: work in Germany
Get started with your postdoc career on the Research in Germany website
Structuring the postdoc phase can be challenging: it lays the foundation for your next career step – e.g. a junior research group leadership or a professorship –, but there are no fixed guidelines on what this phase looks like. On the Research in Germany website, you will find a valuable overview for a postdoc career in Germany – from different career options to job portals and funding programmes. A list of different types of postdoc positions provides detailed information on employment type, application and salary. Challenge accepted? Get started here!
This professor knows “Life in academia” –  
and shares his 10 best tips for postdocs
Have you always wanted to know what the essentials for a successful postdoc career are? Then have a close look at the YouTube channel run by Matthias Rillig, professor of ecology at Freie Universität Berlin! On “Life in academia”, he covers all topics related to academic life, from writing and publishing to job interviews, funding and dealing with rejection. His relatable and straightforward advice addresses researchers of all career phases – and this video offers his 10 most valuable tips for your postdoc life.
Career counselling for researchers’ partners: Dual Career Network Germany